This is the unique annual publication of the Association’s Membership Directory, it’s also the resource featuring comprehensive information on our Members’ profiles, business activities, and contacts information etc. In this connection, we will be working our fingers to the bone for improvement of both content and the printing quality to popularize this publication, not only confined to our Members, but also to the local businessmen who have interest in doing business with Hong Kong and vice versa.

Being our supportive Member, this would be an invaluable chance to publicize your brand name to all Members together with their network and show your kind support to the business Association that belongs to you.

Please find the advertisement rates as below:

The subscription is handled on ‘first-come, first-served' basis.

Kindly complete the 'Advertisement Form' and return it to our Secretariat by 27 April 2015 to enjoy the early bird discount as above mentioned. 

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact our colleague Ms. Mandy Ngo at 848 – 3824 3757 or email to

We sincerely hope that you could support us by placing an advertisement as a form of sponsorship to this special edition.

Thank you for your kind attention.
Best regards,
HKBAV Secretariat

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